Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers
Subject areas: Social studies, mathematics, health education
Grade level: 11th-12th
Level of Difficulty: moderate to high
Prerequisites: none
Summary: This module is based on two data sources that provide information related to teenage pregnancy: birth certificates and the national Survey of Family Growth. By exploring these data sources, students uncover the challenges of collecting accurate data about a disease or other health-related event and appreciate the value and limitations of descriptive epidemiology.
Students will appreciate the challenge of creating questions that will result in accurate counts of a health related outcome and accurately counting the outcome. The unit will help students learn the importance of combining data from multiple sources in order to generate meaningful measures of disease frequency while appreciating the role and limitations of descriptive epidemiology in formulating and evaluating health policy.
Download Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers, p.1-20 (.pdf/391K)
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Download Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers, p.21-81 (.pdf/1.8MB)
Download Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers, p.82-132 (.pdf/5.6MB)
Download Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers, p.133-183 (.pdf/5.6MB)
Download Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers, p.184-202 (.pdf/54K)
Download Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers, p.203-218 (.pdf/366K)
Download Descriptive Epidemiology of Births to Teenage Mothers, p.219-222 (.pdf/48K)